WOW March 2017
Weekend of Wisdom - special 2 day event hosting elders Wendy Watego & Vicki Scott share their secrets for Out of the Box Transformation and Leadership.
The Past does not have to constrain your leadership potential.
International authors and education and training experts Wendy Watego (Quandamooka woman) and Vicki Scott look newly at leadership.
They drill down to the core of you cultural identity and spirit.
You get to see how your habits, your decisions, and the way in which you communicate and build relationships is impacted and shaped by unresolved upsets from your past. After this workshop, you will have a very different mindset about what is now possible for you.
You will be the true "author-ity" of your life, and have the power to self-determine the direction of your future and your leadership.
You'll learn:
♦ Ways to stay strong in your cultural identity and how to use it as an asset to work smarter as a leader
♦ How to identify and heal from the silent national lie that "blackfellas aren't as good as whitefellas"
♦ Steps to alleviate the impacts of inter-generational trauma and lateral violence on leadership
♦ What it takes to build delicious, respectful and healthy relationships
♦ How to create a Blueprint for leadership success that guarantees you results
♦ Simple and fun ways to use your unique strengths, gifts and talents to build your leadership capacity
♦ What you need to know about living longer and leading stronger
Interactive story-telling journey of where we all come from.
Total Happiness Guarantee
If you are not happy with the event, we will completely refund your money at the end of the last day.